Would you like to know more about Asbury? We would like to connect with you so that we can get to know you better and for you to learn about our church. Call the office at 563-355-5218 or send us your email address and state what you are most interested in to asbury@asbury-bett.org. We are happy to help you connect with others in ministry!
NEWCOMER’S GATHERING is the first step to membership so if you are thinking about joining, please plan to attend one of our Newcomer’s meetings offered several times a year. Please contact the church office to inquire when our next meeting will take place.
Parking is available on Mississippi Boulevard outside of the church. We have two visitor parking spaces and several spaces with nearby handicapped access. You are welcome to use the street parking or park in the marked lot across the street from the church, on the corner of 18th Street and Mississippi Boulevard. The Main Entrance is on the corner of 18th and Mississippi Blvd and is handicap-accessible.
The Nursery is for ages Newborn-2yrs and is staffed with qualified adult attendants available to care for your babies and toddlers throughout the morning. You can find the nursery by the Office Entrance (East of the Sanctuary) on the main level.
8:30am Traditional Worship
When you arrive for 8:30 worship, our welcome team will help you find a seat in the sanctuary and can answer any questions you have about Asbury. Sit wherever you feel comfortable. Our traditional worship consists of hymns led by our organist, prayers, scripture readings and a sermon.
10:30am Praise Worship
When you arrive for 10:30 worship, our welcome team will help answer any questions you have about Asbury and can assist you to find a seat in the sanctuary. Our late service people like to arrive right on time or come from Sunday School so you can expect many more to join you as the band begins to play. Stand up, sing out, and worship God!
Small Groups
When you arrive for Small Group, you will see people chatting in our Fellowship Hall/Cafe by the West Entrance. Members of Asbury will be happy to help you find a small group study that fits your needs. Grab a cup of coffee and visit with some of our members or head to your classroom for small group discussions.
Family Break Room is across the back hall from the sanctuary with chairs for parents who need to bring their child out of the sanctuary for a short break. There is a TV with the service streaming so you won’t miss out on worship while there.
Children are an important part of the church, and we welcome them as part of our church family. If you have small children and want to have your children with you during the service, please take a busy bag from a basket at the attendance table just outside the West Sanctuary door. Each bag has quiet activities to keep children occupied.

All kids programs are in the lower level of the church
RootsKids is for ages K-5th Grade – Located in the Treehouse on the lower level. RootsKids is designed to teach Bible lessons with music, drama, puppets, crafts and games. RootsKids has two times to choose from! Sunday 8:30am or 10:30am. Parents can check in their kids by going down the West staircase then left into the RootsKids Treehouse. Pick up children after worship is over.
Element 412 Youth Group meets Sunday nights from 6pm – 7:30pm during the school year. A light dinner is supplied for the kids to enjoy a meal together in fellowship followed by praise music, a time of sharing and a faith lesson. Special activities also take place throughout the year.
Vacation Bible School is offered during the summer for ages PreK thru 5th Grade and is announced in worship and on our Facebook page once dates are determined.
Special Events a number of special events such as One Starry Night, VBS, Kids Camp, Summer Family Activities, Kids Christmas program, and many others throughout the year. Dates for special events are announced during worship and also on our Asbury Facebook page. Volunteers are always welcome and needed to help!